Introducing Beacon and Guide Institute

Beacon and Guide Institute is a specialized educational organization focused on personal resources and human capital development. Beacon and Guide Institute is not a conventional educational institution confined to a brick and mortar structure. We leverage the advances in technology to offer the freedom to learn anywhere, any time at our own pace. Our curriculum is a departure from the conventional school system. We do not offer educational programmes leading to any academic qualification. Rather we focus our attention on principles and transferable skills that can be applied in all areas of life to ensure personal and professional Success.  

BGI is envisioned to be a growing community of success-focused visionary scholars and educators from diverse backgrounds and competencies pioneering a new paradigm in personal development and success empowerment. BGI is made up of members, Advisory Board, Academic Board and faculty from a wide range of backgrounds, expertise and experiences who contribute to the development of our training programmes and network activities. BGI fosters an environment of continuous learning and growing where every member is a learner and a teacher, connected across a wide range of space, sharing knowledge, experiences, skills and resources. BGI members and faculty are committed to supporting each member of the community to grow and realize a future of Success and Significance which they desire.


Beacon and Guide Institute will be a leading Success Education and Personal Development organization empowering people for a Future of Success and Significance.


To guide, inspire and empower people to develop and utilize their potentials to achieve personal and professional Success and make significant positive contributions to their world.


Learning, Growth, Integrity, Honesty, Excellence, Entrepreneurship and Cooperation.


1. To promote systematic and structured Success Education among young Nigerians to develop Success mindset early in life.

2. To build a community of success-focused people helping each other to learn, grow and utilize their potential to achieve personal success and make significant contributions to their world.

3.  To foster Entrepreneurship by helping members to identify and develop their natural talents and turn them into viable business      enterprises to create wealth for themselves and others

4. To create opportunities for members to develop their leadership   capacity through participation in the various structures and    programmes of the organization.


  General Membership Requirements

 In general, membership in the Beacon and Guide Institute is open to those who desire to achieve Success and make significant positive impact in the world, who share the vision and agree with the values of Beacon and Guide Institute and believe that the Institute can help them to realize their desire.  A prospective member is a person adjudged to be generally of good character        who has no record of criminal conviction or antisocial behaviour.

  Membership Types

The following membership types are available:

1. Free members are individuals that register for free and have not met the requirements for other levels of membership. They are entitled to receiving the Institute Newsletter, participate in free webinars and other free events of the Institute. They can also participate in conferences, workshops and seminars by paying full fees for the events. A person with free membership can upgrade to the appropriate level at any time.

2. Student Member is an individual currently registered in an educational institution for an academic programme not higher than a bachelor’s degree and who registers as a student. Such an individual is not older than 30 years at the time of first registration. The student status has a maximum duration of two years within which a person must have become a Scholar or Full Member.

3. Scholar: A Scholar is any individual registered for the Foundational Success Course of the Institute.  A student who registers for the Foundational Success Course is automatically upgraded to the Scholar status. A Scholar is eligible to apply for full membership after completing the Foundational Success Course.

The scholars become members of the Alumni of Beacon and Guide Institute with special privileges when they complete the Foundational Success Course.

4. Full Member is an individual who has upgraded from the level of a Scholar or who registers as a Full Member.  A person registered as a Full Member is a person considered to have attained intermediate to advanced level of knowledge in Success Education through personal development and scholarship. The educational level of such an individual is not less than a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Individuals with proven track record in their career may also be eligible for Full Membership on a case-by-case consideration.

The Full Member is entitled to all the benefits available in the Institute. They can become Creators, Instructors, Officers and Directors in the Institute and Shareholders in businesses and ventures affiliated with the Institute.

5. Fellow: A Fellow of the Institute is a person who has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the Institute and served continuously at various management level in the Beacon and Guide Institute. A Fellow is elected to the level of the Fellow by the Leadership Management Team of the Institute and endorsed by the Board of Advisors. The Fellow is awarded a plague and a Certificate of Recognition.

6. Partner: A Partner is an individual or corporate entity that has supported the cause of Beacon and Guide Institute significantly. The Partners enjoy high level of special recognition and patronage from the Institute if they are corporate entities.

Membership Benefits.

1. Access to structured systematic Success Education courses and Personal Development resources with ongoing motivation, inspiration and empowerment to pursue your dreams of Success and Significance.

2. Membership Community and Networking opportunities to connect and grow with people that are destined to become significant people of tomorrow.

3. Mentorship and Internship programmes to help you develop your skills and build important connections.

4. Access to job boards where members can see job openings and post their skills to connect with potential employers.

5. Funding opportunities through cooperative schemes and crowdfunding for your dream projects.

6. Access to Library of premium books and digital resources for personal and professional development.

7. Discounts for participation in courses, seminars, conferences and workshops.

8. Beacon and Guide Institute awards of recognition for notable achievements.


Our alumni represent an important part of our community. Their outstanding performance and success in the private, social and public sectors show case the effectiveness of the approach of BGI and we rely on their continuous support for the growth and development of the Institute.